The Ethics of Care: Dismantling Racism

The Ethics of Care PPT

Over the last 30 years, the changes in the workplace impacting working-class families, racial tensions between different races, and cultural influences have been slowly taking a psychological toll, though in a more diffuse, less detectable way than with anyone traumatic event. Psychotherapy, as a field, is not prepared to respond to the major social issues affecting our patients’ lives. This presentation will discuss how psychotherapists can play a significant role in discussing racial, cultural, and political issues in the consulting room since lack of discussions is part of the problem, implicitly reinforcing false assumptions about personal responsibility, isolation, and the social status quo.

About the Presenter

Manijeh Daneshpour, PhD, LMFT

Dr. Manijeh Daneshpour is the system-wide Couples and Family Therapy Director and Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy at Alliant International University in California and a licensed marriage and family therapist with more than two decades of academic, research, and clinical experience. She is from Iran and identifies herself as a third-wave feminist. Dr. Daneshpour’s main areas of research, publications, and presentations have been centered on issues of multiculturalism, social justice, postmodernism, third-wave feminism, and premarital and marital relationships.  She has been a keynote presenter for the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, National Council of Family Relations, Minnesota Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, as well as California Association of Marriage and Family Therapy and many other organizations bringing the issues of social justice, ethics of care, gender, and power, and multicultural competencies to the forefront of the social science field discourses.