E-cigarettes: Variations in nicotine delivery and toxicity profiles
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are devices designed to deliver inhalable nicotine without burning tobacco. These devices have been continuously evolving and increasing in popularity since their first introduction to the market, and many different types are currently available. E-cigarettes vary dramatically in design, voltage settings, battery power, the airflow rate, and other characteristics. In addition, liquids designed for the use with e-cigarettes are highly diverse, with hundreds of brands and thousands of flavors, each available in a variety of nicotine concentrations. The impact of these factors on nicotine intake and toxicant exposures in users will be discussed.
About the Presenter

Irina Stepanov, PhD
Irina Stepanov, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences at the School of Public Health. Dr. Stepanov received her PhD in Chemistry from Moldova State University (Republic of Moldova). She completed postdoctoral training in analytical biochemistry in the Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota, and joined the faculty of the School of Public Heath in 2011.
Dr. Stepanov’s research interests is in the development and application of biomarkers of human exposure to chemical carcinogens, with the particular focus on tobacco carcinogenesis. My studies contribute to understanding the mechanisms underlying inter‐individual differences in cancer risk due to tobacco use, encompassing such factors as the chemical composition of tobacco products and biomarker‐based assessment of tobacco carcinogen intake and metabolism in the users of these products. She collaborates with medical doctors, behavioral scientists, surveillance specialists, epidemiologists, educators, and tobacco control experts to address the complex issues of tobacco use and related exposures.