The NAVIGATE Model: A Comprehensive Treatment Approach for Persons with First Episode Psychosis
NAVIGATE is a coordinated specialty care program developed for the National Institute of Mental Health’s RAISE Initiative for treating first episode psychosis. NAVIGATE is comprised of an interdisciplinary team using principles of recovery, resiliency, and joint decision-making to target both a reduction in the symptoms of psychosis, as well as improve numerous psychosocial, functional, and quality of life components. In this webinar, we will talk about the importance of providing high-quality, intensive treatment early on in the development of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders from individual, family, and societal standpoints. Research supporting NAVIGATE as an effective treatment will be presented, as well as in-depth descriptions of the various manualized interventions in NAVIGATE, as well as who is an appropriate referral to the three local teams providing NAVIGATE in the metro area.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the signs and symptoms of psychosis.
- Understand the research behind NAVIGATE and the outcomes from RAISE-ETP trial.
- Learn the interventions and interdisciplinary team model of NAVIGATE, and identify appropriate referrals.
About the Presenter

Marielle Demarais, PhD, LP
Marielle Demarais, PhD, LP, is a clinical psychologist trained at Kent State University with a research focus on social skills among people with schizophrenia. Dr. Demarais completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Hospital specializing in serious mental illness. She is currently the director of the HOPE Program at Hennepin Healthcare and additionally provides support and education to families involved in the HOPE Program.