Continuing Education

Everything we do is designed for deep practice transformation, implementation, and sustainability: We are laser focused on translating evidence and practice-based research into highly relevant, live and on-demand webinars and engaging, skills-focused workshops and certificates.

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Adolescents and Marijuana

Marijuana is the most commonly used “illicit” drug in the United States. Approximately 12% of individuals 12 years of age or older reported using this drug in 2013, and rates are higher among the younger age groups (Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, 2013). More Americans now perceive…

On-Demand, Virtual Webinar
1 CEU(s)

Advancing the Concepts of Stages of Change and Treatment for Individuals with Co-occurring Disorders

Change is much easier said than done and is impacted in every contact that professionals and supports have with people faced with making health behavior change. As a follow-up to training on conducting integrated assessment for individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders on August 9, it…

On-Demand, Virtual Webinar
1 CEU(s)

Working with Reluctant – Involuntary Clients

Professionals frequently encounter persons who do not choose to be clients, but rather experience formal or informal pressure to take on a client role. Such potential clients are frequently labelled deviant for their uncooperative behavior as reluctant or resistant when in fact they are not yet voluntary clients at…

On-Demand, Virtual Webinar
1 CEU(s)

Chasing Change Talk

This webinar is focused on motivational interviewing strategies for evoking and reinforcing change talk. Research indicates that the more the client uses change talk during the interview, the more likely they are to actually move from ambivalence to action. The presenter will demonstrate the use of reflections that evoke…

On-Demand, Virtual Webinar
1 CEU(s)

Integrated Mental Health and Substance Abuse Assessment

Clinicians are well aware that a comprehensive assessment provides the foundation for treatment planning and interventions. Undertaking an Integrated Assessment of mental health symptoms and substance use disorder typically adds complexity and challenges. This presentation will focus on the tools and strategies that can shape an assessment that…

On-Demand, Virtual Webinar
1 CEU(s)

How To Provide Smoking Cessation Treatment To People With Severe Mental Illness

This webinar provides information about smoking addiction among individuals with mental illness. Practical information about safe, effective tobacco cessation treatment for this group is also provided.  Medications that can be prescribed as well as other tools to help individuals quit are discussed. Myths About Tobacco…

On-Demand, Virtual Webinar
1 CEU(s)