Bearing Witness: Traumatic Stress and its Impact on Staff Performance and Well Being – Individuals and Organizations
Participants in this two-day course will learn to identify and monitor indicators and symptoms of secondary traumatic stress conditions and their impact on themselves and those they supervise. Participants will learn to recognize important differences among vicarious trauma, secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, and burnout and their implications for job performance. This course will address how to make better-informed decisions about particular strategies to prevent and diminish the effects of secondary stress conditions in specific situations and contexts
This course will also address issues related to organizational culture and environment and provide meaningful methods for addressing workload and organizational response strategies.
This workshop has been pre-approved by the following Minnesota licensing boards:
- Board of Social Work (BoSW): (#CEP-204)
- Board of Marriage & Family Therapy (BMFT): 6 Supervision CEs (#2023-032); this workshop may not be used to meet the 30-hour supervision training requirement found in Minn. Rule 5300.0160.
- Board of Behavioral Health & Therapy (BBHT): (#2023.CE.046)
After completing this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize important differences between secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout
- Be able to identify potential predictors and specific indicators of these conditions
- Become more cognizant of the adverse effects these work-related conditions may have on individual practitioners, the clients they serve, and the organizations that employ them
- Become familiar with tools and measures to identify compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma
- Support supervisees more effectively in self-monitoring the type and level of stress they are experiencing
After completing this workshop participants will be able to:
- Recognize important differences between secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout
- Be able to identify potential predictors and specific indicators of these conditions
- Become more cognizant of the adverse effects these work-related conditions may have on individual practitioners, the clients they serve, and the organizations that employ them
- Become familiar with tools and measures to identify compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma
- Support supervisees more effectively in self-monitoring the type and level of stress they are experiencing
About the Presenter

Angela Lewis-Dmello, MSW, LICSW
Angela is the President & CEO of Northeast Youth and Family Services (NYFS). She received a bachelor’s degree in global studies and a master’s degree in social work from the University of Minnesota. At NYFS, Angela supports the mission of a community based mental health and social service nonprofit dedicated to ensuring access to trauma-informed and culturally responsive care for clients across the lifespan. Angela has been a Community Adjunct Faculty member at the University of Minnesota School of Social Work since 2012 and owns a training and consulting practice in Minnesota which works with public, not-for-profit, and private organizations focused on trauma-informed care, trauma treatment interventions, and organizational management of secondary/vicarious trauma. Angela has a background in behavioral health administration, program development and evaluation, clinical training and supervision, and community-based participatory research (CBPR). She was a trauma therapist in domestic violence, child sexual violence, and torture treatment.