Be Here Now: Self-Care During a Pandemic

Be Here Now- Self-Care During a Pandemic PPT

Depression, anxiety, substance use and drug overdoses have increased dramatically during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mental health and addiction professionals are psychological “first responders” for those who are suffering. But your ability to help others requires you to have well-being yourself. As flight attendants state on airplanes (remember those?), “Be sure to adjust your own [oxygen] mask before helping others.”

This presentation will review the science of mindfulness and its relationship to happiness and suffering. Dr. Frenz will also discuss how smartphone-based consumer technology, Muse and HeartMath, can be used to improve your well-being.

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About the Presenter

David Frenz, MD

David Frenz is a private practice physician, healthcare consultant and medical educator. He earned a medical degree and completed a family medicine residency at the University of Minnesota. He is also board certified in addiction medicine. You can learn more about him at and on LinkedIn